MAP Client Plugin - Muxer

The Muxer is a MAP Client plugin for muxing together multiple inputs into a list.

Un-configured step icon

Fig. 67 An un-configured Muxer step icon.


Some care must be taken when configuring this step because it programmatically manipulates the step ports. Because of this we must configure the Mux type parameter and Number of inputs parameter before we make connections to the step. Existing connections will not be maintained if either of these two parameters are modified after the fact, resulting in the need to delete and redo connections involving the step.

The Mux type parameter should be a port type, for example: ‘’. The Number of inputs parameter should be set to the number of inputs to mux together.

Step configure dialog

Fig. 68 Muxer step configuration dialog.

The step will accept either single inputs or list of inputs for each port. All list inputs will be expanded on output so that the resulting output will be a single level list.


This plugin:

  • uses:

    • A user defined count of a user defined type.

  • provides:

    • A flattened list-of the user defined type.