Argon Scene Exporter


The Argon Scene Exporter is a MAP Client plugin for exporting an Argon scene. The plugin uses an Argon document as an input. The plugin can be configured to export the scene to either webGL or a JPEG thumbnail.


Information on this plugins’ specification is available here.


As a minimum, to configure the step, set the name of the step, select the export type required, and set the output directory. The output directory should be located outside the workflow directory.

Export types configure dialog

Fig. 81 Argon scene exporter step configuration dialog showing various export types.

There is one parameter for configuring the step that is optional. The optional parameter is the prefix parameter. It is however a good idea to set the prefix, the prefix is used in formulating the output filename.

There are also parameters that are dependent on the exporter chosen.

Step configure dialog

Fig. 82 Argon scene exporter step configuration dialog for webGL exporter.

The webGL exporter also has the following optional parameters:

  1. Split output files

  2. Combine output files

  3. Level of detail

  4. Time Steps

  5. Initial Time

  6. Finish Time

The image exporter has the following optional parameters:

  1. Width, [min. 18, max. 9999]

  2. Height, [min. 18, max. 9999]

The flatmapsvg, stl, thumbnail, vtk and wavefront exporter do not have any optional parameters.

The Prefix parameter, is a string that is placed as a prefix on all files produced by the type of export selected.

The Time Steps parameter, is an integer representing the number of time steps to output the export at between the Initial Time and the Finish Time. The Time Steps parameter, is currently ignored for the thumbnail export, the intention is to output a GIF image in the future. The Initial Time parameter, is the initial time to export the scene from. The Finish Time parameter, is the final time to export the scene to. The Time Steps, Initial Time, and Finish Time are only appropriate for time varying scenes. If the scene is not time varying these parameters are ignored.

The Split output files and associated file size, allows a big output file to be split into multiple smaller files when checked and the split files are limited by the specified memory size. The Combine output files and associated file size, allows for combining smaller files to be combined into a single file limited to the size specified. Files are combined when the check box is checked. The Level of detail, when checked, allows generation of webGL exports that provide higher level of details with zoom.

The Width parameter, is an integer that sets the width of the exported image. The Height parameter, is an integer that sets the height of the exported image.


This is a non-interactive step. See Configuration.