MAP Client Documentation
The documentation for MAP Client is written for Sphinx in reStructuredText. It is easiest to read the documentation in a Sphinx processed form. Refer to the Sphinx documentation for the details on turning reStructuredText into a processed form that best suits your requirements. Information on installing Sphinx is available here and the quick start instructions are available here
A processed form of the documentation is available from readthedocs. The reStructuredText files in the repository are for making additions or changes and not general consumption.
Should the user desire to make any changes to the documentation, it is relatively easy to re-generate the html files from
the reStructuredText documentation using Sphinx. This process is described as follows. On the command line, set the current
directory to the location of the docs
directory on the user’s drive (here we assume that you have the MAP Client source code available in the directory mapclient
cd <Local Directory>\mapclient\docs
Then, run the following command:
make html
The updated html files can then be found in <Local Directory>mapclientdocs_buildhtml
. index.html
is the entry to the documentation.
View the documentation by directing your web browser to <Local Directory>/mapclient/docs/_build/html/index.html
If the user encounters any issues with the make command: Windows users should be using cmd.exe rather than any command line alternatives; macOS and Linux users should ensure that (GNU) make is installed. Otherwise, the problem is likely to be related to the installation of Sphinx.